Remedial measures for traffic-induced vibrations at a residential site. I. Field tests
acoustic noise, noise abatement, pollution, road traffic, vibrations, field tests, traffic-induced vibrations, residential site, roadway, relative quantitative importance, vehicle type, vehicle speed, vehicle weight, road surface conditionsAbstract
Traffic-induced vibrations were investigated at a site after several complaints were lodged by homeowners residing near a roadway. The objective of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the level of these vibrations and their relative quantitative importance for this site. Based on the findings of the study, effective remedial actions were suggested. The present paper reports on the results of the experimental part of the study in which the effects of vehicle type, vehicle speed, vehicle weight, and road surface conditions were investigated. A companion paper reports on the results of the analytical part of the study in which the role of pavement/subbase characteristics, effectiveness of vibration screening by concrete walls, and soil improvement were investigated using finite element simulationsAdditional Files
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