Digital generation of the high quality periodic audio signals with the aid of a D/A converter and computer


  • M. Roland-Mieszkowski Sch. of Human Commun. Disorders, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS, Canada


acoustic generators, acoustic signal processing, audio signals, computerised signal processing, digital-analogue conversion, signal synthesis, DAC, digital generation, high quality periodic audio signals, D/A converter, computer, digital-domain method, real-time looping, RAM buffer, waveform synthesis, algorithm, 1 to 20000 Hz


The most precise digital-domain method for the generation of arbitrary periodic audio signals was presented. Advantages of this method are: highest available precision with a given D/A converter, and low requirement on the speed of hardware and software, because synthesis of waveform is not performed in real-time. Hardware and software only have to be capable of doing real-time looping through sound file generated in the RAM buffer. Details of the waveform synthesis should be sufficient for easy implementation of this algorithm on different computer platforms

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How to Cite

Roland-Mieszkowski M. Digital generation of the high quality periodic audio signals with the aid of a D/A converter and computer. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1991 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];19(4):47-8. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada