Acoustic backscattering from cylinders: near-field corrections


  • D.M.F. Chapman Defence Res. Establ. Atlantic, Dartmouth, NS, Canada
  • F.D. Cotaras Defence Res. Establ. Atlantic, Dartmouth, NS, Canada


acoustic field, acoustic wave scattering, backscatter, sonar, underwater sound, target strength, acoustic backscattering, near-field corrections, 30 to 36 kHz, Al cylinders


In the course of making TS (target strength) measurements of hollow aluminum cylinders of length 91 cm and 28 cm in the frequency range 30-36 kHz, the authors realized that their measurements were being corrupted at beam aspect because the source and receiver were in the near-field of the target. Fortunately, they were able to increase the range and reduce this effect, but they also derived a correction to the near-field TS measurements that could be applied if sufficient range were unavailable. The derivation and application of this beam-aspect TS correction is the subject of the present work

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How to Cite

Chapman D, Cotaras F. Acoustic backscattering from cylinders: near-field corrections. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1991 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];19(4):71-2. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada