Minimizing instrument effects in an ocean bottom seismometer


  • D.J. Dodds GeoAcoustics Inc., Aurora, Ont., Canada
  • D.M.F. Chapman
  • J.C. Osler
  • W.C. Risley


seismometers, ocean bottom seismometer, sea floor vibration, ambient noise, self noise, transfer function, sea floor motion, 1 to 50 Hz


Ocean acousticians have traditionally made measurements of the pressure component of the sound field. Previously initial tests were reported by one of the authors on an existing ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) which uses velocity sensors (geophones). Geophysicists have used OBS instruments primarily to time discrete seismic events. This paper describes a new OBS designed to measure sea floor vibration amplitudes, down to the ambient noise level, in the 1-50 Hz range. The design goal was to minimize both the self noise (an additive effect), and the multiplicative effect of the transfer function which relates sea floor motion to the motion recorded by the OBS

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How to Cite

Dodds D, Chapman D, Osler J, Risley W. Minimizing instrument effects in an ocean bottom seismometer. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1994 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];22(3):161-2. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada