Preliminary simplified models for predicting sound propagation curves in factories
acoustic noise, acoustic wave propagation, factory noise levels, factory sound propagation curve, omnidirectional point source, sound pressure level, source sound power level, empirical prediction methods, octave-band sound propagation measurementsAbstract
Predictions of factory noise levels are based on predictions of the factory sound propagation curve-the variation with distance from an omnidirectional point source of the sound pressure level minus the source sound power level; SP(r)=Lp(r)-Lw. While more accurate approaches such as ray tracing exist, from a practical point of view there is considerable scope for developing simplified empirical prediction methods. In fact, several such models exist. However, these have short-comings which warrant the development of a new model. The approach taken was to predict the slope(s) and absolute level(s) of the sound propagation curve, approximated by one or more straight-line segments. With this in mind, octave-band sound propagation measurements were made in a number of empty and fitted factories. The curves were approximated by one or two straight-line segments. The intercepts and slopes of the segments were then determined. The development of preliminary simplified prediction models from the results is discussedAdditional Files
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