Hearing accessibility in a home-for-the-aged
hearing, institutionalized elderly, clinically significant hearing loss, auditory processing, homes-for-the-aged, clinic-based audiologic servicesAbstract
The majority of the institutionalized elderly have a clinically significant hearing loss. Even those with hearing thresholds within normal clinical limits often have sub-clinical declines in auditory processing such that, even though they have no trouble understanding speech in ideal listening conditions, they experience trouble understanding speech in the noisy conditions that are typical in everyday life (for a review see Willott, 1991). Nevertheless, few residents of homes-for-the-aged receive clinic-based audiologic services. Furthermore, even those elderly individuals who do receive clinic-based services often find that they continue to experience difficulty when trying to communicate in everyday situations (Health and Welfare Canada, 1988). Many of their activities of daily living are not `hearing accessible' even after treatmentAdditional Files
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