Controlling for age related hearing loss can eliminate aging differences in lexical competition: Evidence from eye-tracking as an online measurement of age and noise effects on listening
Age-related, Eye-tracking, Hearing loss, Listening-in, Noise effects, Older adults, Older People, On-line measurement, Word identificationAbstract
A study was conducted to gather evidence from eye-tracking as an online measurement of age and noise effects on listening in older people. The study extended the investigation to compare younger and older listeners' performance in normal and challenging listening situations. It was ensured that the overall accuracy was equated, resulting in direct evaluation of differences existing in younger and older listeners in terms of the implicit on-line mechanisms that led to correct word identification. Tests were conducted to evaluate the ability of these listeners to distinguish the target word from a similar sounding alternative, as the target was unfolded in time. Twenty-four young adults and 24 older adults native English speakers participated in the study.Additional Files
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