Jet noise prediction model for turbofan engines with internal forced mixers
Computational fluid dynamics, Jets, Mathematical models, Turbofan engines, Exhaust flow temperature, Internal forced mixers, Single stream jetsAbstract
Far field jet noise predictions were performed for seven lobed mixer configurations and compared to full scale engine noise data obtained in an outdoor test facility. The required turbulence scales are deduced from a data fitting exercise of test data and compared with similar quantities obtained from RANS-CFD for two mixer configurations. The jet noise modeling approach consists of dividing the jet plume into two regions, the upstream region and the downstream region. The accuracy of the predictions depends on the accuracy of the empirical model used to calculate the far field of single stream jets. A study was conducted for seven turbofan engines all featuring an internal exhaust forced mixer, where the predicted noise spectra were compared to the measured far field noise spectra of the corresponding engines. The improved jet noise model was validated with full-scale engine data with mixed exhaust flow temperature ratios.Additional Files
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