Vpa-based weighting curve: Preliminary assessment of gender difference


  • Enrico Marchetti National Compensation Authority (INAIL), Research Center, Department of Occupational Hygiene, Via di Fontana Candida 1, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma 00040, Italy
  • Federica Morgia National Compensation Authority (INAIL), Research Center, Department of Occupational Hygiene, Via di Fontana Candida 1, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma 00040, Italy
  • Giancarlo Filligoi DIET, Sapienza University of Roma, P.le A. Moro, 5, Roma 00185, Italy
  • Alessandro Lunghi National Compensation Authority (INAIL), Research Center, Department of Occupational Hygiene, Via di Fontana Candida 1, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma 00040, Italy
  • Luigi Fattorini Dept Physiol, and Pharmacol., Sapienza University of Roma, P.le A. Moro, 5, Roma 00185, Italy


Absorbed power, Gender differences, Lower frequencies, Preliminary assessment, Resonance peak, Sinusoidal vibration, Vibration exciters, Weighting factors


Weighting factors from Vibration Absorbed Power (VPA) measurements are derived and the possibility of a gender difference is established. The range 10-60 Hz was explored and two frequencies immediately before and after that peak, 30Hz and 33 Hz, were examined. 36 young subjects were enrolled, equally divided by genders and nine pure sinusoidal vibration signals were generated by a vibration exciter. Absorbed-power based frequency weighting curves WVPA and MI curves were computed for both genders and compared with UNIEU ISO 5349-1:200 1 and the literature. Concerning gender differences, the female's WVPA curve is almost similar to that of male subjects up to 20 Hz. From 20 Hz up to 60Hz, the male curve is, with no-statistical significance, under the relative female curve. Concerning MI curves, a small gender difference is evident, with the resonance peak for females at a lower frequency (3 1.5Hz) than for males (33 Hz). A possible physiological explanation comes from the observation of the Meissner coipuscles behavior, which have a maximal sensitivity just at that frequency.

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How to Cite

Marchetti E, Morgia F, Filligoi G, Lunghi A, Fattorini L. Vpa-based weighting curve: Preliminary assessment of gender difference. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2011 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];39(2):100-1. Available from: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/2377



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