Industrial building absorption coefficient - Power plant case study
Exhaust systems (engine), Glycols, Noise pollution, Office buildings, Power plants, Absorption coefficients, Air units, Ancillary equipment, Engine casing, Industrial buildings, Interior noise, Noise exposure, Noise exposure level, Noise mitigation, Noise source, Plant designs, Power plant buildings, Project planning, Radiosity method, Replacement costs, Sound level, Water pumpAbstract
The article evaluates how the interior noise levels during the project planning stage can help to identify potential noise exposure levels for future staff. Noise mitigation can be integrated into the plant design, thus avoiding more expensive future retrofit and replacement costs in trying to meet the noise exposure limits retroactively. Significant noise sources associated with the equipment in the room included the engine air inlets and engine casing breakout. Other less significant noise sources included the engine exhaust piping and heat exchangers, the make-up air units, glycol and water pumps and other ancillary equipment in the room. Odeon 10 Industrial, a ray-tracing program for room acoustical modeling, was used in this study of a power plant building. The model employs a combination of image-source, ray-tracing and ray radiosity methods to calculate the sound levels in a room.Additional Files
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