The association between speaker-dependent formant space estimates and perceived vowel quality
Estimation, Experiments, Students, Alberta, Canadian english, Testing phase, Training methods, Vowel soundsAbstract
Differences in speaker-dependent formant space estimates is discussed in terms of differing FF-scaling estimates. In the experiment, listeners were first trained to report apparent speaker FF-scaling using the training method outlined in Barreda & Nearey. 25 native speakers of Canadian English from the University of Alberta were drawn from a participant pool in which undergraduate linguistics students take part in experiments in exchange for partial course credit. During the testing phase, listeners were presented with fully-randomized, isolated-vowel stimuli. 18% of the variance in reported FF-scaling is found, with F1 accounting for 67.8%, 10 accounting for 28.1%, and F3 accounting for only 0.2% of the explained variance. Results show that FF-scaling has a significant negative effect on vowel openness, showing that for a given vowel sound, when listeners reported a higher FF-scaling, they were less likely to hear an open vowel.Additional Files
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