Community Noise Investigation of a "Low Level Thrumming" attributed to the Operation of Mine


  • Andrew Williamson RWDI


Acoustical consultants are sometimes contacted by members of the public who are being disturbed by a noise at low levels that they attribute to an industrial or commercial site or perhaps to an unknown source. In some cases, certain aspects of the situation (e.g. setback distance, overall noise emissions, lack of other community noise complaints) would not typically suggest that there should be a noise problem. A resident of a small town had reported experiencing a “low level thrumming” within their residence during the nighttime hours that they were convinced was originating at a mine located approximately 2.7 km from their residence. With the exception of one or two other residents, no one else in the community had reported being disturbed by noise from the mine. This paper presents the results of noise and vibration measurements that were conducted to document this “low level thrumming” and determine if it was originating at the mine.

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How to Cite

Williamson A. Community Noise Investigation of a "Low Level Thrumming" attributed to the Operation of Mine. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2016 Aug. 25 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];44(3). Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada