Modular Expansion Joint Noise in B.C.
The passage of a vehicle over a Modular Expansion Joint (MEJ) is known to generate noise. On August 23-26, 2009, emissions from two MEJ’s were investigated in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. MEJ emissions were monitored at wayside with the passage of general traffic, for a range of longitudinal offset positions. MEJ widths were 1.2 and 2.6 m. Variations in the character of tire/joint interaction noise were subjectively observed for several vehicle classes, weights, speeds, tire widths and tire types. For general traffic with an average speed of 100 kph, it was found that the dominant MEJ emission frequency was centered at the 630 Hz one-third octave band in 73% of cases. On March 3-4, 2010, three vehicles were used to conduct controlled tests and the relationship between the character of MEJ emissions and speed was explored for speeds of 90 to 100 kph. It was found that the dominant frequency was 630 Hz in 69% of the trials independent of speed. For the heaviest vehicles, MEJ emission levels were up to 8.7 dB higher. MEJ emissions were found to exhibit a directional variation of Lmax 8.6 dBA at a range of 100 m.
Keywords: Modular Expansion Joint, Tire, Joint, Noise, Emission, Monitoring, Controlled Vehicle Test, Using Instrumentation in Innovative Ways
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