Turbulent Energy Prediction for an External Flow Around Valeo Cooling Fan by V2-F Modelling and Improved K-? Low Reynolds Model
Valeo CD - STAR-CD – k-?–low Reynolds- v2-f – Kato-Launder-LES.Abstract
The noise field can be defined as the consequence of pressure fluctuations generated by turbulent flows, close to solid walls, which are governed by acoustics conversions and basing on the Lighthill’s theory. This paper is discussing the different results of numerical simulation for an external flow around an asymmetric wing profile (Valeo CD). The Numerical simulation consists of comparing the original Durbin V2-f and the k-? low Reynolds models. Some modifications have been introduced to the k-? model, by replacing the strain rate term and the vorticitiy, in order to improve the turbulent energy prediction of the low Reynolds viscous models. The comparison of the results obtained has been made with full experiments in large wind tunnel at the central school of Lyon, and LES simulation. The V2-f model has shown a good stability and satisfactory turbulent energy prediction near the wall, comparing to the k-? modified model. The improvements were due to the normal velocity fluctuations v², and the anisotropic effects modelled by the elliptic relaxation function close to the solid wall.
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