Notice: Canadian Acoustics journal moving to electronic format



For more than five decades, the Canadian Acoustical Association diligently produced "Canadian Acoustics," a quarterly journal in hardcopy format. The journal's dedicated contributors, including editor-in-chiefs, associate editors, section editors, copyeditors, journal managers, reviewers, and esteemed authors, have played a significant role in its success. The process of printing and delivering hardcopies, while commendable, is now recognized as outdated.

This note outlines the drawbacks of the traditional hardcopy model, including the substantial financial burden it placed on the association, its significant environmental impact due to paper printing and distribution, and its growing irrelevance in the digital age. Recent membership trends have shown a preference for accessing the journal's content online, highlighting the need for a transition.

Consequently, the advantages of an electronic journal copy are emphasized, including the optimized allocation of CAA funds to enhance the journal's activities, reduced environmental impact in comparison to traditional printing and delivery, and enhanced exposure for authors and advertisers through digital platforms. Notably, the electronic version of the Canadian Acoustics journal content receives the most significant exposure and will be the primary focus of editorial efforts.

While the default membership will transition to electronic access, an optional membership type with a slight price increase will cater to those who still prefer hardcopies. This decision, made at the October 2023 CAA Board of Directors' Meeting, aims to maintain affordable membership fees despite rising costs.

The transition to an electronic format marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Canadian Acoustics journal, ensuring its continued relevance and accessibility in the digital era. The association welcomes inquiries and membership changes and can be reached at

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How to Cite

Voix J. Notice: Canadian Acoustics journal moving to electronic format. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];51(4):7-8. Available from:


