Jury evaluation of electric power steering sounds


  • Anthony Champagne General Motors Corp, Saginaw, United States
  • Robert Beyerlein General Motors Corp, Saginaw, United States
  • David Hammerbacher General Motors Corp, Saginaw, United States
  • Marcus Lewis General Motors Corp, Saginaw, United States

Mots-clés :

Automobile electric equipment, Automobile steering equipment, Electric motors, Signal noise measurement, Airborne radiated noise, Electric power steering sounds, Jury evaluation, Structure-borne induced noise


The sound generated by a brushless motor-assisted steering system is examined. The objective of the study is to determine the acceptable levels of in-vehicle structure-borne induced noise and airborne radiated noise contributors relative to the current baseline system. It is shown that acceptable electric power steering levels allow tradeoffs between structure-borne and airborne noise sources. Changes in electric motor structure-borne and airborne sound levels are highly correlated to jury acceptable results.

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Comment citer

Champagne A, Beyerlein R, Hammerbacher D, Lewis M. Jury evaluation of electric power steering sounds. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 déc. 1997 [cité 20 févr. 2025];25(4):41-. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/1118



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