Application of SEA in vehicle sound package design


  • H. Nelisse Vibro-Acoustic Sciences
  • J. Pan Vibro-Acoustic Sciences
  • J. Van Buskirk Vibro-Acoustic Sciences

Mots-clés :

Acoustic wave propagation, Automobiles, Computer simulation, Finite element method, Noise abatement, Statistical methods, Statistical energy analysis (SEA), Vehicle sound package design


The construction, organization and validation of a trimmed-body vehicle statistical energy analysis (SEA) and component SEA models are discussed. The trimmed-body SEA model was built for a mid-size car using AutoSEA2 software package and contained all major structural components and acoustic spaces. The two load cases of 35 miles per hour chassis roll and 3000 revolutions per minute engine noise were employed for the validation of model. The model was utilized for the evaluation of various design changes on the sound package of the vehicle.

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Comment citer

Nelisse H, Pan J, Van Buskirk J. Application of SEA in vehicle sound package design. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 sept. 2000 [cité 21 févr. 2025];28(3):168-9. Disponible à:



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