On environmental noise impact


  • Corjan Buma aci Acoustical Consultants Inc., #107, 9920 - 63 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta. T6E 0G9

Mots-clés :

Attenuation, Computer simulation, Environmental impact, Laws and legislation, Research and development management, Speech, Standards, Environmental noise, Multi-unit building, Noise impact, Sound level


A set of guidelines on environmental noise impact assessments, applicable on a national scale, is discussed. The experience with environmental noise in Alberta is also considered. In Alberta the energy sector is the only industry where specific legislation is compiled on a provincial basis governing environmental noise. The advantages of environment noise impact assessment guidelines are nation-wide consistency, more-level playing field, function as a target in setting basic sound levels and methodology to achieve them.

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Comment citer

Buma C. On environmental noise impact. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 sept. 2004 [cité 22 févr. 2025];32(3):50-1. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/1622



Actes du congrès de la Semaine canadienne d'acoustique