The environment for auditory research


  • Bruce E. Amrein U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005, United States
  • Tomasz R. Letowski U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005, United States

Mots-clés :

Acoustics, Research laboratories, Acoustic environment, Auditory perception, Communication research, Indoor environment, Multi-purpose, Research facilities, Spatial perception, US Army


The US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) constructed the Environment for Auditory Research (EAR) laboratory for their own and other researchers. The multi-purpose research facility was designed to conduct signal detection, spatial perception, and communication research in various indoor and outdoor acoustic environments. The EAR consisted of a large Integrated Control Room supporting all its research functions and four indoor indoor listening spaces. The four indoor listening spaces included Sphere, Dome Room, Distance Hall, Listening Laboratory, and outdoor area. The facility was constructed as an auditory perception and communication research center permitting the latest perception and communication research in various indoor and outdoor acoustic environments. It was designed to address all the needs of auditory spatial research and included spaces that were better than other indoor environments.

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Comment citer

Amrein BE, Letowski TR. The environment for auditory research. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 sept. 2009 [cité 15 févr. 2025];37(3):152-3. Disponible à:



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