Voicing in persian word-final obstruents
Mots-clés :
Acoustic properties, PersiansRésumé
A study that was conducted to examine the acoustic properties of voicing of Persian obstruents in both word-final single consonants and clusters is presented. It also focused on how to find whether any instances of devoicing or voicing, if present, is partial or complete. Six Persian native speakers, three females and three males, were recorded. All of them were native speakers of the Tehrani dialect of Persian, ranging in age from 22-29 years old, except for one participant who was 51 years old. None of them had ever lived outside of Iran for more than 5 years or had any history of hearing or speaking disorders. In addition to final devoicing, the results also indicate that voicing assimilation in favor of the voiceless sound affects obstruents within word-final clusters in Persian. Since there were cases of both regressive and progressive voicing assimilation, no particular preference for direction of assimilation was observed.Fichiers supplémentaires
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