Automatic analysis of sibilant assimilation in english
Mots-clés :
Analysis techniques, Automated methods, Automatic analysis, Gaussian window, In-line, Labor intensive, Spectral centerRésumé
A study that was conducted to test new automated methods for doing phonetic analysis by replicating previous work, to compare sequences of identical sibilants as well as single sibilants, and to examine issues of planning of assimilation across word boundaries, is presented. Segmentation of the recordings was done automatically through forced alignment using HTK and the Prosody Lab aligner. Spectral slices were extracted every 7 ms using a 30 ms Gaussian window and 50 Hz bins. Spectral center of gravity (CoG) was calculated on each slice and the mean and range of the CoG measurements was calculated for each sibilant sequence. The results are in line with previous studies, using much less labor intensive methods. However, discrepancies will need to be investigated further to determine if they are due to analysis techniques or dialect differences.Fichiers supplémentaires
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