Dependence of airborne surf noise on wave height
Mots-clés :
Acoustic generators, Coastal zones, Ocean currents, Water waves, Acoustic doppler current profiler, Air-borne noise, Ambient noise, Breaking waves, Bubble oscillation, Bursting bubbles, Coastal area, Directional wave spectrum, Environmental data, Impact noise, Naval gunfire, Offshore wind turbines, Oscillating bubbles, Sea state, Semi-empirical, Sound generation, Sound level, Sound pressure level, Surf noise, Teledyne, Wave heights, Weather conditions, Weather stationsRésumé
Airborne noise from breaking waves is an important component of the ambient noise in coastal areas. The surf noise may mask unwanted noise arising from sources such as offshore wind turbines or naval gunfire exercises. In order to determine whether the received sound pressure level from naval gunfire is above the ambient sound level at these sites, the ambient sound level in coastal areas as a function of sea state and weather conditions needs to be understood. They proposed several mechanisms for sound generation, including impact noise, single oscillating bubbles, collective bubble oscillation, and bursting bubbles. They also proposed a semi-empirical sound generation-propagation model. A self-contained Vaisala WXT 520 weather station was mounted on a pole at 10 in height to record environmental data at the site. A Teledyne RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was deployed 780 in SE of the measurement site, bottom-mounted in 11 in of water, in order to measure directional wave spectra.Fichiers supplémentaires
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