Noise Control Issues in a Steel-Framed Institutional Building


  • Clair Wakefield Wakefield Acoustics Ltd./RWDI


Over the past three years, Wakefield Acoustics Ltd. has been involved in the design, construction and post-construction performance verification testing of a large educational facility featuring steel frame construction. This type of construction required that the structural steel columns and cross-bracing members often be contained within steel stud and gypsum board walls which, in some cases, proved insufficiently wide to accomodate both the structural steel and the resilient channel used to enhance the sound insulation performance of the walls. The flexible nature of the steel Q-deck employed on the upper floor of the building also contributed to sound transmission as did the large circular supply air ducts that served the music and dance teaching spaces. This paper will discuss these and other noise control challenges and how they were overcome.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Clair Wakefield, Wakefield Acoustics Ltd./RWDI

Senior Consultant

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Comment citer

Wakefield C. Noise Control Issues in a Steel-Framed Institutional Building. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 25 août 2016 [cité 26 sept. 2024];44(3). Disponible à:



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