The ISO 9613-2 standard is a well-known method for the calculation of industrial environmental noise. The standard was published in 1996 and since then has been implemented in numerous commercial software applications. The standard however, does not contain quality requirements for applications, such as test cases and recommendations for implementation. Therefore, the calculated results of different implementations for the exact same situation cannot be expected to be the same. When comparing different software implementations of ISO 9613-2 the results of different applications can differ up to 5dB for simple situations and up to 10dB for complex situations. This makes the result of noise prediction software even more uncertain. Not because of bugs or errors in the software, but because of unclear text and ambiguous algorithms in the standard. For many years now this has been an inconvenient truth in the world of noise prediction. At the Forum Acusticum congress in 2005, special focus was put on uncertainties while implementing noise prediction standards. More papers on quality requirements for software implementation were presented in the years following. This has all contributed to the new quality standard ISO 17534 in 2015. In TR3 (ISO/TR 17534-3) test cases and recommendations for implementation of ISO 9613-2 are described in detail. This should make ISO 9613-2 unambiguous and makes it straight forward to implement in software. But to what extend is this true, and will this approach work for other calculation standards such as CNOSSOS-EU?
This paper describes the experiences of DGMR, member of the ISO 17534 working group, while using the recommendations of TR3 for a fresh and new software implementation of ISO 9613-2. Based on the experiences, this paper makes recommendations for quality requirements of CNOSSOS-EU.
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