Challenges in Intelligibility Analysis of Public Address and Emergency Notifications Systems


  • Jean-François Latour SNC-Lavalin inc.


During the past decade, there has been an increase in the requirements for Public Address and Emergency Notifications Systems (PAGA).  It migrated from audibility criteria to intelligibility criteria.  Checking simple charts showing sound levels at a distance is no longer enough and intelligibility must be evaluated.  This task comes with several challenges as it requires more throughout inputs regarding the speakers and the spaces where the messages need to be intelligible.  Also, an adequate methodology and the uncertainty in the evaluation tools are to be considered as the PAGA may be tested during commissioning and must show compliant results.  Strategies to evaluate PAGA intelligibility scores are discussed along with the challenges that one could face in those kind of analysis.

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Comment citer

Latour J-F. Challenges in Intelligibility Analysis of Public Address and Emergency Notifications Systems. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 18 déc. 2017 [cité 1 oct. 2024];45(4):28-9. Disponible à:



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