Radiation Efficiency Of Cross Laminated Timber Panels By Finite Element Modelling


  • Jianhui Zhou University of Northern British Columbia
  • Behzad Vafaeian University of Alberta
  • Ying-Hei Chui University of Alberta


Tall wood buildings are growing in North America with the development of mass timber panels such as cross laminated timber (CLT). As a new building material, the sound radiation behavior is not well understood. This study proposes a finite element modelling (FEM) approach using ABAQUS finite element software to investigate the sound radiation efficiency of typical Canadian CLT panels with experimental elastic constants. The FEM method is first developed based on isotropic thin plate theory and verified with reported analytical solutions. Then one CLT panel with simple-support boundary conditions from literature is modelled as both thin and thick orthotropic plates under harmonic excitations. The radiation efficiency is calculated by post processing the sound power and velocity from FEM. The results have been compared with the reported experimental data and analytical data based on thin orthotropic plate theory. A general agreement is found between the FEM results and the literature results except some discrepancies at certain frequency bands. An attempt was made to investigate the effect of boundary conditions on radiation efficiency considering the real boundary condition realized in the lab. It is found that the boundary condition has some effect on the results, the clamped boundary condition seems to have better agreement than the reported simple support. Moreover, the FEM approach is adopted to evaluate the radiation efficiencies of different CLT panels made in Canada, namely 3-ply, 5-ply and 7-ply, using experimentally measured elastic constants. The results reveal that the influence of elastic constants on critical frequencies of different types of CLT panels. Under the critical frequency (up to 500 Hz), the elastic constants have a significant effect on radiation efficiencies.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Jianhui Zhou, University of Northern British Columbia

School of Engineering, Assistant Professor

Behzad Vafaeian, University of Alberta

Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Post-doctoral Fellow

Ying-Hei Chui, University of Alberta

Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Professor

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Comment citer

Zhou J, Vafaeian B, Chui Y-H. Radiation Efficiency Of Cross Laminated Timber Panels By Finite Element Modelling. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 16 oct. 2019 [cité 14 oct. 2024];47(3):44-5. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3320



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