Predicting Community Response to Surface Transportation Noise
The purpose of this paper is to identify a means for predicting, for residential neighbourhoods, the percentage of the population likely to be disturbed by any given transportation noise environment. The equation to be developed will depend only on those characteristics of the noise environment which can be predicted with the present state of the art. The reason for this is that the most fruitful applications of such an equation are in predicting the impact of possible future actions. For existing situations, it is almost as simple to survey personal reactions as it is to monitor noise levels. The paper focuses on residential neighbourhood noise resulting primarily from ground transportation systems. This means noise caused by expressways, arterial roads, rail lines, and combinations of these. In an attempt to determine whether reliable predictions can be made without reference to the specific noise source (given that it is a ground transportation source), this paper will report results based on sites representing all of the sources. It is expected that subsequent work will test these general findings on larger, source specific data sets.Fichiers supplémentaires
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