Wireless Loudspeaker Technology for More Efficient Sound Transmission Testing


  • Jeremy Thorbahn Thorbahn Acoustics Inc.


In architectural acoustics consulting, sound transmission tests are often conducted between "source" and "receiver" rooms in a building by using powered loudspeakers connected to a sound source, such as a dedicated signal generator, smartphone or laptop computer. When the sound source uses a wired cable connection to the loudspeaker, the user is required to physically travel back and forth between source and receiver rooms to turn on and off sound the source, since ambient/background noise levels must also be measured. The logistics of this type of setup increase the time required to complete tests, and also introduce the need for hearing protection in many cases, to allow the user to enter the source room while sound pressure levels in excess of 90-100 dBA are present. We reviewed available options to overcome these limitations and to be able to complete sound transmission tests more quickly by allowing wireless control of the sound source from the receiver room, including power amplifiers with remote control, loudspeakers with bluetooth audio streaming capability, and loudspeakers with built-in wireless control via smartphone or tablet. Advantages and drawbacks of each approach are discussed, including costs.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Jeremy Thorbahn, Thorbahn Acoustics Inc.

Jeremy Thorbahn is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Thorbahn Acoustics Inc. Jeremy is an acoustical consultant and physicist and over the past decade has consulted on dozens of high-profile projects across Canada and around the world. He has worked in consulting organizations in Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area and in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jeremy has led the acoustic design for many of the most significant developments in the Atlantic region over the past several years and is a member of the Canadian Acoustical Association.

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Comment citer

Thorbahn J. Wireless Loudspeaker Technology for More Efficient Sound Transmission Testing. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 5 juill. 2022 [cité 2 oct. 2024];50(3):42-3. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3834



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