Predicting L10, L50 and Leq for Urban Traffic Noise
The work reported here is a small part of a larger project that has been carried out over the past two summers with the aid of students working on Ontario Experience ’75 and ’76 grants. The problem of predicting urban traffic noise levels breaks down naturally into two parts: (a) the prediction of levels close to the road and (b) the complex propagation of the traffic noise in an urban environment. Work on the propagation part of the problem has shown that simple methods such as "so many dB per row of houses" are inadeguate, and point by point diffraction calculations for both the vertical and horizontal edges of buildings have been combined with the results of a computer ray tracing programme to predict attenuations due to arrays of apartments and townhouses. Results seem very promising, but are not yet complete. Therefore, the work reported here is limited to the problem of predicting levels close to the road.Fichiers supplémentaires
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