Apparent Impact Insulation Class (AIIC) Testing of Various Roof Terrace Assemblies and Evaluating the Need for Additional Mitigation


  • Jessica Tsang Valcoustics, CA


Common amenity and private rooftop terraces are common in mid and high-rise condominiums, providing recreational spaces in urban environments. However, there is limited laboratory and field test data available for the impact sound isolation performance of rooftop terrace assemblies, particularly in relation to the absence of requirements related to controlling impact noise in the Ontario Building Code (OBC). This presentation addresses the knowledge gap by conducting field measurements of the transmission of impact sound through various typical rooftop terrace floor/ceiling assemblies. Using the ASTM E1007 test standard, the findings demonstrate that most typical rooftop terrace assemblies have a relatively high AIIC rating, suggesting that they provide sufficient impact sound isolation without any additional mitigation. This research contributes valuable field test data to the existing body of knowledge on impact noise test data on rooftop terrace assemblies and offers insights for acoustical engineers and product development related to noise and vibration.

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Comment citer

Tsang J. Apparent Impact Insulation Class (AIIC) Testing of Various Roof Terrace Assemblies and Evaluating the Need for Additional Mitigation. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 9 oct. 2023 [cité 6 oct. 2024];51(3):56-7. Disponible à:



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