Properties of Railway Wheels


  • L. Strasberg Systems Research and Development Branch, Research and Development Division, Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications
  • N. Perfect Systems Research and Development Branch, Research and Development Division, Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications
  • G. L. Elliott Systems Research and Development Branch, Research and Development Division, Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications


The urban railway is ideally suited for high density corridors or for those areas where urban growth is considered desirable. However, urban railways are limited in their application by high capital requirements and by train noise which can disturb tne community served by the system. Previous investigations into the nature of railway noise have shown that wheel/rail noise is dominant, at least insofar as electric trains are concerned. It has been shown that sound radiated by the wheel is a significant part of the total noise. Many different types of railway wheels have been tested on transit systems with varying degrees of success. However, little has been published which would enable an operator to compare the different wheels on the basis of their fundamental mechanical properties. The purpose of this paper is to present some laboratory data on four common railway wheels.

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Comment citer

Strasberg L, Perfect N, Elliott GL. Properties of Railway Wheels. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 avr. 1978 [cité 21 févr. 2025];6(2):28-40. Disponible à:



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