Community Response to Aircraft Noise in Relation to Background Levels


  • Martin S. Taylor Department of Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Fred L. Hall Department of Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Susan E. Birnie Department of Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario


This paper examines the effect of variations in background noise levels on community reactions to aircraft noise using questionnaire and sound level data collected at a stratified random sample of residential sites in the vicinity of Toronto International Airport. The effects of variations in background noise (24 hour Leq) on individual and aggregate responses to aircraft noise are'examined. The response variables considered include annoyance, activity interference and complaints. The results of various statistical analyses show that the effect of background level is generally not significant. The direction of the weak effects on individual responses varies by level of aircraft noise exposure and type of response. These findings are compared with those from previous studies.

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Comment citer

Taylor MS, Hall FL, Birnie SE. Community Response to Aircraft Noise in Relation to Background Levels. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 avr. 1979 [cité 7 oct. 2024];7(2):6-24. Disponible à:



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