Modelling azimuthal and vertical directionality of active sonar systems for undersea reverberation
Mots-clés :
reverberation, sonar, underwater sound, active sonar systems, undersea reverberation, azimuthal directionality, sector coverage, azimuthally-integrated responseRésumé
Traditional methods for modelling undersea reverberation where either the transmitter or receiver has azimuthal directionality approximate the azimuthal component by sector coverage. Often, the effects from other than a main lobe are ignored. In some cases, the width of the sector is chosen such that the azimuthally-integrated response is the same for the sectored coverage as the original sonar in the horizontal plane. Unfortunately, should the sonar have both azimuthal and vertical directivity (which is often the case), accounting for only the main lobe or using a simple azimuthal integration may lead to erroneous reverberation estimates. Historically, inclusion of the full directionality or beam pattern has been too computationally costly to consider, but with the proliferation of modern high-speed computers, this is no longer the case. The full directionality can and in many cases should be includedFichiers supplémentaires
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