Auditory distortion measures for coded speech quality evaluation
Mots-clés :
hearing, hidden Markov models, neurophysiology, speech coding, speech intelligibility, speech synthesis, synthesized speech, auditory distortion measures, coded speech quality evaluation, bit-rate coder, perceptual-domain, probability-of-firing, neural channels, cochlear model, hidden Markovian measures, speech coder analysisRésumé
Distortion measure plays an important role in the quality evaluation of coded speech synthesized by a medium or low bit-rate coder. The quantification of distortion involves mapping the signal onto an appropriate domain and formulating a suitable comparison in that domain. In our work, both original speech and its coded version are transformed from the time-domain to a perceptual-domain (PD) using an auditory (cochlear) model. This PD representation provides information pertaining to the probability-of-firing in the neural channels at different clock times. This article proposes two distinct approaches to process these information and measure the degree of distortion in coded speech. The remainder of the article is organized as follows. The author describes the Lyon's cochlear model introduces the idea of cochlear discrimination information and hidden Markovian measures, and studies their use in coded speech quality evaluation. The author proposes their use in some applications of speech coder analysisFichiers supplémentaires
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