Voice pitch as an aid to speechreading in young childen


  • J.D. Fagg Sch. of Commun. Sci. & Disorders, McGill Univ., Montreal, Que., Canada

Mots-clés :

speech recognition, lipreading, young childen, voice pitch, speechreading


The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of voice pitch information on the speechreading performance of young hearing children. Investigations of speechreading skill in both adults and children have often produced confusing and conflicting results, usually as a result of the use of many different methodologies. Previous studies have differed widely in terms of the subjects tested, the speechreading materials used and the manner in which those materials were presented. As yet there are no definitive answers on how speechreading skills should best be defined and tested. The methodology applied in the present study was largely dictated by the age of the subjects taking part

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Comment citer

Fagg J. Voice pitch as an aid to speechreading in young childen. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 sept. 1994 [cité 3 oct. 2024];22(3):133-4. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/885



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