About the Journal

This quarterly journal is free to individual members of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) and institutional subscribers. Since 1982 Canadian Acoustics journal publishes refereed articles and news items on all aspects of acoustics and vibration. It also includes information on research, reviews, news, employment, new products, activities, discussions, etc. for the whole acoustics community in Canada. Papers reporting new results and applications, as well as review or tutorial papers and shorter research notes are welcomed, in English or in French.


Safe-in-Sound Award™ Nominations Now Open (to Canadians as well!!!)


The Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ celebrates excellence and innovations in workplace hearing loss prevention. The excellence award recognizes demonstrated results in hearing conservation programs. The innovation awards extends hearing loss prevention beyond traditional interventions and settings, benefiting diverse groups like musicians and construction workers. Initially exclusive to U.S. programs, it now welcomes Canadian participants starting with the 2025 awards! :-)

· Nominations by third parties deadline: June 8, 2024

· Self-Nomination Deadline: August 19, 2024

More information? https://www.safeinsound.us/

Read more about Safe-in-Sound Award™ Nominations Now Open (to Canadians as well!!!)

Current Issue

Vol. 52 No. 2 (2024): Thématiques de la pédagogie et du sonore

This is a special issue, in French as it use to be the pratice for decades for the June issue of Canadian Acoustics, is about "Themes of Pedagogy and Sound". The guest editor is Mrs Pascale Goday, PhD Candidate in "Étude et pratique des arts" at UQAM, president of "Semaine du son Canada" and professor in music education and choir singing.

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