Acoustics Standards activity in Canada 2005 update and invitation to participate


  • Tim Kelsall Hatch, 2800 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ont. L5K 2R7


Acoustics, Societies and institutions, Acoustic standards


This article is an update for 2005 of Acoustics Standards activities in Canada, especially those of the Canadian Standards Association. CSA currently has 10 Acoustics Standards and three more with significant acoustics content. More than twice that number of acoustics standards from other organisations, such as ANSI and ISO, have been reviewed and either endorsed or adopted as suitable for use in Canada. We intend in the coming year to replace these with a major omnibus standard which will act as a guide on the contents and use of all these standards. Canadian acousticians are invited to contact the author to become involved with the many standards activities, currently underway in Canada and on behalf of Canada around the world.

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How to Cite

Kelsall T. Acoustics Standards activity in Canada 2005 update and invitation to participate. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];33(4):34-8. Available from:



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