Single cell size estimation from backscattered spectrum by using some weak acoustic scattering approximations
Backscattering, Born approximation, Cells, Estimation, Frequency estimation, High energy physics, Mammals, Ultrasonic applications, Acoustic Scattering, Back-scattered, Backscatter intensity, Cell size, High frequency HF, Incident waves, Mean diameter, Microscopic measurement, Modified born approximations, Scatterer size, Sea urchin, SIMPLE method, Single cells, Ultrasonic backscatter, Wave numbersAbstract
A method for the sizing of a cell in suspension by ultrasonic means is discussed. The technique uses frequency minima of the backscatter intensity pattern for an acoustically weak scatterer and provides a simple formula for scatterer size estimation in the framework of the Born approximation. The technique has been implemented here to examine performance of the Born approximation and a modified Born approximation in predicting size of a cell in a suspension. This was done by comparing the mean diameter of a cell obtained from optical microscopic measurements over many cells and that determined by employing these approximations only using the minima of measured high-frequency (10-65 MHz) ultrasonic backscatter spectra. Both approximations in estimating size of a scatterer worked with high accuracy (error < 3%) for scatterers like PC-3 cells (ka &asyum; 0.55-3.58) and sea urchin oocytes (ka &asyum; 1.54-10.03) where, k and a are the wave number of the incident wave and scatterer size respectively. This study suggests that this simple method can be used to estimate cell size.Additional Files
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