Simultaneous measurements of ambient sound levels and wind speeds
Electric utilities, Meteorological instruments, Wind effects, Wind power, Wind turbines, Agricultural fields, Continuous measurements, Diurnal pattern, Meteorological tower, Noise criterion, Ontario, Simultaneous measurement, Sound level, Wind action, Wind farm, Wind shears, Wind speedAbstract
Continuous measurements of ambient sound level and wind speed were made for about 17 months at a wind farm site prior to construction, to obtain baseline sound levels. The site is in the middle of an agricultural field on a meteorological tower. Wind was measured at 3, 10, 30, 40, and 50 m above the ground. As expected the diurnal pattern showed high values of wind shear at night, compared to daytime in summer, but little day/night variation in winter. Relating sound level to wind speed indicated that the Ontario MOE approach of increasing the noise criteria with wind speed is appropriate and that above 5m/sec, ambient sound levels exceeded the MOE wind turbine sound limits due to wind action, in the absence of any wind turbines.Additional Files
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