Evaluation of road transportation noise modelling algorithmsand software packages


  • Kevin Carr NOVUS Enviromnental, 150 Research Lane, ON N1G 4T2, Canada
  • Scott Penton NOVUS Enviromnental, 150 Research Lane, ON N1G 4T2, Canada
  • Marcus Li NOVUS Enviromnental, 150 Research Lane, ON N1G 4T2, Canada


Noise pollution, Software packages, Joint projects, Ontario, Road transportation, Technical performance, Traffic mix, Traffic noise


The Ontario Ministry of Transportation, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and GO Metrolinx have sponsored a joint project to examine transportation noise modeling algorithms and software packages. Acoustical algorithms were evaluated, with the goal of providing recommendations regarding transportation noise modeling in Ontario. Transportation noise modeling algorithms included in this evaluation were chosen to corresponding with current practices within Ontario, as well as to explore options commonly utilized within the US and Europe. Traffic noise emissions are generally calculated accounting for traffic mix, speed, pavement type, and road gradient. Technical performance was evaluated by considering the speed of the calculation as well as the potential to propagate errors. Each algorithm had deficiencies and virtues.

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How to Cite

Carr K, Penton S, Li M. Evaluation of road transportation noise modelling algorithmsand software packages. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];39(3):84-5. Available from: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/2422



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada