Cooperative platform between professors and students facilitating the transmission and documentation of research results
Research, Collaborative tools, Graduate students, Integrated systems, Laboratory practices, Research activities, Research results, Research teams, Software solution, System deployment, User trainingAbstract
The project « JoBoCo: Journal de bord et de connaissance » aimed at developing a dynamic and collaborative tool assisting the mentoring of research activities for graduate students as well at providing training on good laboratory practice. The current practices of professors-researchers as well as the needs of the students-researchers were assessed, along with a review of existing collaborative tools. Following this exercise, several software solutions were evaluated and a system based on the integration of Group-Office, Mendeley and WordPress software was selected. This integrated system is now used by several research teams in acoustics at the E´cole de technologie supe´rieure and should, once the system deployment and user training issues resolved, substantially help the professors actively involved in training and mentoring of graduate students.Additional Files
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