Comparison between modelled and measured sound levels for a Southern Alberta Wind Farm
A 38-day post construction comprehensive sound survey has been carried out as part of the AUC license for a southern Alberta wind farm. Measured sound levels at three receptor locations are compared to the modelled sound levels according to the NIA. How do the results line up? Was the modelling too conservative or too optimistic or just right? What are possible causes of the differences encountered? What are issues encountered during the field program that influence the outcome of the comprehensive sound survey? Why 38 days of monitoring? Would different modelling have resulted in a better prediction? What lessons can be learned?
Henk de Haan Eur. Ing, INCE Bd. Cert. & Virgini Senden, Eur. Ing, INCE Bd. Cert.
(403) 836 8806 (587) 439 9980
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