Experimental Validation Of An Acceleration Power Spectral Density Aircraft Panel Model Given Different Excitations


  • Steven Albert James Sonnenberg Carleton University
  • Joana Rocha
  • Malte Misol
  • Michael Rose


Turbulent Boundary Layer, Analytical Model, Acceleration Power Spectral Density, Structural Acoustics, Aeroacoustics


The noise and vibration in an aircraft cabin during cruise conditions is primarily caused by external flow excitations from the turbulent boundary layer (TBL). The TBL causes the fuselage panels on the aircraft to vibrate. These vibrations radiate sound energy in the form of noise. It is of interest to be able to predict the response of these panels to different excitations using an analytical model, so that expensive wind tunnel and flight tests can be minimized when doing noise research. Two existing analytical models were modified to account for different excitations: one with simply supported boundary conditions and the other with arbitrary boundary conditions. These models were programmed, using Matlab, to calculate the acceleration power spectral density (PSD), and radiated sound power (RSP). Models were validated against experimental data, obtained by the authors, for a thin rectangular panel with boundary conditions between simply supported and clamped conditions. It is shown that the modified analytical models accurately predict the panel response for a point force excitation, for a TBL excitation, and for an oscillating piezoelectric patch excitation. 

Author Biography

Steven Albert James Sonnenberg, Carleton University

Master's of Applied Science Student - Aerospace Engineering

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How to Cite

Sonnenberg SAJ, Rocha J, Misol M, Rose M. Experimental Validation Of An Acceleration Power Spectral Density Aircraft Panel Model Given Different Excitations. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];46(2):19-30. Available from: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3182



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