Modern and ancient theatres, symphony halls, recording for large places-use of the Rasti index and initial reverberation time to analyze architectural acoustics problems


  • J.-G. Migneron Lab. d'Acoust., Laval Univ., Quebec, Que., Canada
  • C. Martel


acoustic variables measurement, architectural acoustics, reverberation, modern theatres, ancient theatres, symphony halls, Rasti index, initial reverberation time, architectural acoustics problems, impulse response, EDT-5, EDT-10, EDT-15, multi-purpose halls, amphitheatres, Louis Frechette Hall, Albert Rousseau Hall, Montreal Olympic Stadium, intelligibility, New Richmond Theatre, National Theater Institute of Montreal


A correlation between the Rasti index and the impulse response, namely the EDT-5, EDT-10 and EDT-15 dB is analysed, both in the laboratory and during experiments conducted in multi-purpose halls and in large amphitheatres equipped with sound reinforcement systems. The close relationship between the Rasti index and the EDT measurements is demonstrated. The authors also show the necessity to measure the EDTs at the same localization and with the same directivity as the normal hall sources for example, with the use of a powerful omnidirectional source in order to study the acoustical behavior of an orchestra shell (Louis Frechette Hall of the Grand theatre Quebec or the Albert Rousseau Hall) or with the measurement of impulse response through the sound system of a large amphitheatre (Montreal Olympic Stadium). In addition in providing a better understanding of the parameters governing the intelligibility, the proposed approach could be very helpful for the acoustical design of new and (to be) renovated halls (New Richmond Theatre, The National Theater Institute of Montreal)



How to Cite

Migneron J-G, Martel C. Modern and ancient theatres, symphony halls, recording for large places-use of the Rasti index and initial reverberation time to analyze architectural acoustics problems. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1991 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];19(4):25-6. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada