Vibrations and sound radiation of a cylindrical shell under a circumferentially moving force
acoustic wave production, variational techniques, vibrations, sound radiation, finite cylindrical shells, harmonic driving force, circumferentially moving radial point force, variational approach, quadratic velocity, radiated sound powerAbstract
Vibrations and sound radiation by finite cylindrical shells have been extensively studied in the past few years. Usually, the authors have studied the vibrations and the sound radiation by cylinders in the case of a non-moving harmonic driving force. Most papers dealing with a moving force on a cylindrical shell (axially or circumferentially) were only concerned about the mechanical vibrations. This is a presentation of the work under progress to develop a model including both the vibrations and the sound radiation of a simply supported cylindrical shell excited by a circumferentially moving radial point force. The motivation behind this work is the modelisation of the `pressure screens' used in the pulp and paper industry. The theoretical formulation presented is based on a variational approach. The case of a homogeneous cylindrical shell in air is treated as a first step towards more complex structures. Numerical results in terms of quadratic velocity and radiated sound power are presented, and principal phenomena related to the moving force rotational speed are discussedAdditional Files
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