Noise Levels from Heavily Travelled Roads for Use with Environmental Noise Regulations in British Columbia and Alberta


  • Shira Daltrop Golder Associates Ltd.
  • Andrew C. Faszer Golder Associates Ltd.
  • Victor W. Young Golder Associates Ltd.


Noise Impact Assessments (NIAs) for oil and gas facilities in British Columbia are typically conducted in accordance with the Noise Control Best Practices Guideline of the British Columbia Oil & Gas Commission (BC OGC). NIAs for industrial facilities in Alberta are typically conducted in accordance with Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 012 or Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Directive 038. The BC OGC Guideline, AUC Rule 012, and AER Directive 038 are very similar with respect to assessment methodology and compliance limits. All three documents require that noise be assessed cumulatively and, in particular, require that the contribution of heavily travelled roads be included when testing noise compliance for industrial facilities. All three documents endorse the same desktop technique for estimating A-weighted Ambient Sound Levels (ASLs) at various distances from heavily travelled roads. This paper compares ASL values estimated using the regulatory desktop technique and noise levels calculated using widely-accepted computer models of road traffic noise. Noise levels are compared for various receptor distances and various traffic levels. This paper uses modelled results to propose new ASL values for use in NIAs when traffic levels and/or receptor distances are not adequately addressed by the regulatory desktop technique.

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How to Cite

Daltrop S, Faszer AC, Young VW. Noise Levels from Heavily Travelled Roads for Use with Environmental Noise Regulations in British Columbia and Alberta. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2016 Aug. 24 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];44(3). Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada