Acoustics Week In Canada 2023 : Final Report

Acoustics Week In Canada 2023



conference, AWC23, Final Report


The Canadian Acoustical Association hosted the Acoustics Week in Canada (AWC) in Montreal from October 3rd to October 6th, 2023. This event was a resounding success, bringing together over 260 participants over the 4 days of the conference, setting a record for AWC. More than 160 presentations were given on various topics in acoustics, such as speech and hearing science, architectural acoustics, hearing protection, and materials for noise and vibration control. The acoustics community was able to come together and share memorable moments, such as during the 'Powerpoint Karaoke' or the musical jam organized on the sidelines of the gala dinner. This report presents the highlights of the conference for the benefits of AWC23 participants and future conference convenors.

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How to Cite

Doutres O, Padois T, Voix J. Acoustics Week In Canada 2023 : Final Report: Acoustics Week In Canada 2023. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];51(4). Available from:



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