Evaluation of appropriate sample size for measurement of vibration levels induced by rail transit vehicles
rail traffic, rapid transit systems, statistical analysis, vibrations, building vibration, sample size, rail transit vehicles, ground vibrations, subway train, streetcarAbstract
Building vibration levels induced by rail transit vehicles under usual operational conditions can vary from one vehicle to another. In order to obtain meaningful vibration levels, measurements of building and (or) ground vibrations should be performed for an appropriate number of vehicle pass-bys. In a recent rail transit sysem vibration study by the authors, the number of vehicle pass-bys for a particular vehicle population was chosen so that the mean vibration level of the sampled vehicles is reasonably close to the true mean of vibration levels, induced by all vehicles in the population. This paper presents statistical analysis procedures, based on Kreyszig (1979) and Ang & Tang (1975), that can be used to determine an appropriate sample size to achieve a certain confidence range of the true mean vibration level, e.g.±3 dB of the sample mean, for a certain confidence level, e.g. 95%. The results obtained using these statistical procedures are reported for subway train and streetcar populations of the rail transit system studied by the authors. In addition, verification of the appropriateness of the calculated sample sizes is presentedAdditional Files
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