Acoustic diagnosis of vocal tremor
Mots-clés :
Contour measurement, Diseases, Hearing aids, Speech, Speech analysis, Acoustic signal, Fine Structure Spectrogram, Fundamental frequency, Voice signalRésumé
The primary non-invasive quantification of the vocal tremor was analyzed through acoustic analysis that involves measuring the variation in the pitch contour or the fundamental frequency in a sustained voice signal. Fine Structure Spectrogram is proposed as a potential analysis tool for abnormal phonations, particularly in Parkinson's disease. Vocal tremor characteristics were analyzed in terms of modulations in the fundamental frequency that is the pitch contour. The raw acoustic signal was first preprocessed by performing half-wave rectification, then down sampling to reduce computational time. The average F0 was then extracted and a band-pass filter with cut-off frequencies 15Hz above and below the average F0 is applied to eliminate undesired noise. The results show that the modulations in F0 is the primary difference between the normal and pathological speech.Fichiers supplémentaires
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