Wideband echo control challenges
Mots-clés :
Acoustics, Adaptive filtering, Adaptive filters, Broadband networks, Echo suppression, Electric filters, Electroacoustic transducers, Impulse response, Switching circuits, Telephone, Telephone circuits, Time domain analysis, Acoustic echo canceller, Acoustic echoes, Control challenges, Desired signal, Echo cancellation algorithm, Error signal, Filtering operations, Frequency domains, Input signal, Public switched telephone network, Significant factors, Time domain, Wide-bandRésumé
Some of the significant factors that drive the use of different types of echo cancellation algorithms in wideband telecommunication are discussed. There are two types of echo sources, such as electrical and acoustic where electrical echo is caused by the hybrid found in the public switched telephone network. Acoustic echo is present when the signal from the loudspeaker is picked up by the microphone. The acoustic echo impulse response can vary significantly during a call as compared with the electrical echo impulse response. There are many types of acoustic echo canceller (AEC) algorithms that can be categorized as time-domain or frequency-domain. An input signal x(n) is filtered by an adaptive filter in a time-domain adaptive filter AEC. The output from this filtering operation is subtracted from a desired signal to produce the error signal.Fichiers supplémentaires
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